Swallow Nest

My inspiration came from the behavior of swallows building nests. Swallows use their body fluids to build their children's nests, so the solidification of wax simul-ates this process very well. I try to use this concept to reflect the relationship between individuals, families and residence.


there is challenging in obtaining consistency from the final construction because of the different ingredients and base produce used After using copper wire to build the basic shape of the nest, the glass fiber is mixed to convert the melted waxinto a textured fabric, which is laid on the nest to simulate theway the swallows build their nests.

Wax originated from my desire to create through the moment of family emotional connection in everyday environment. Above all else is the fact that experience of life good or bad both blights and heightens life as it touches it. With this I exproes new material and forms, drifting from fine art into design concepts and back. This collection is inspired by my continued interest in native art and experiences and material from my obeserved in my childhood.

